Monday, August 31, 2009

The Process Of Thoughts Getting To The Page All In One Piece

It's been a while since I've posted anything here, not that I haven't been writing or at least thinking a lot about writing. It's pretty much a daily occurrence that I think about a story in some aspect, whether it be this "secret project" or outlined short stories that have the possibility of being turned into a full blown screenplay if I did it right (anyone know any feature film producers?) or talking out children's book ideas with Bekah (I really think we have some best selling ideas between the two of us). But sometimes I feel like I think so much in screenplay, novel, short story, poem, kids' book, song-form that it starts to get all jumbled up, and I can't really write anything down without it becoming kind of convoluted with other ideas and then I'm off in some children's imaginary land when I should be thinking about ways to kill a zombie, weapons, cars, escape routes, etc. etc.

I'm the kind of writer that writes in bursts though, sometimes over days and days. I don't like forcing myself to write everyday. It gets a bit stale sometimes to me if I do that, but then again if my job was to write and writing for six or eight hours a day and really getting a lot of my (our) ideas down and spelled out a bit more would be quite better than trying to write on top of a job that seems to hinder my creativity. I can't explain that unless you actually worked there, but let a lady comparing a local "prophetess" to Moses be an example of what causes my brain to hurt a lot while I'm there.

Anyways, the power of story has never seemed so great in my life from my girlfriend's amazing stories that inspire me to let my brain go and get as creative with my imagination as I can to the Bible to my friends to my family to my pastor to music, movies, and books, it's just a never ending supply of inspiration and a constant flowing mind.

Now to start focusing it a bit more and getting these stories fleshed out and going somewhere (and maybe some people or "a lot" of people would like to read, watch or listen to them)...